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YA Literature

From: <omgary>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:32:44 -0600

Sad to hear about that incident, Norma Jean. Kudos to you for sticking up for it and seeing it through. I also would have thought that title was worth publishing. What is it they say? "Writing is an art... But publishing is a business." A voice that's speaking out on how to first understand and then bridge the divide between art and publishing, between books worth publishing and the publisher/editor not losing their shirts by publishing it, is Donald Maass, I've listened to his teaching a couple of times at writers conferences and devoured his "how to" books and am presently implementing as much of what he teaches as I can into the middle grade novel I'm about to finish. Write me off-list (omgary at if you'd like some of my notes on talks he gave. The man is brilliant when it comes to teaching how to keep the art in your manuscript while making your publisher a very happy camper.

------------------------------------------Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!"
Received on Fri 24 Jun 2005 02:32:44 PM CDT