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How far is too far--the empire writes back

From: <Nancegar>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:19:03 EDT

In a message dated 6/23/05 10:51:07 PM, Judith.Ridge at writes:

<< On the GLBT topic, I have been enormously puzzled as to why there is so little GLBT Australian YA fiction. I've been told many times by colleagues in the US that Australian YA is "cutting edge"--Marc Aronson once said to me
"your YA writers get away with stuff ours never would." Well, they're not
"getting away with" GLBT themes, and I don't know if it's because no-one is writing it, or because no-one will publish it >>

Interesting point. I thought I remembered listing some (I try to keep track of GLBT YAs), but when I checked I realized with some embarrassment that the books I'd seen were from New Zealand (for example, Boock's DARE, TRUTH OR PROMISE, three by William Taylor). It is curious, since Australia does some really wonderful YAs dealing with serious subjects!

As to political books in general, who was it who said all great literature is political? I believe political and, yes, religious issues are very suitable for YAs, who are beginning to relate to the world outside themselves as well as forming their own adult identities, and are seeking for their places in it. Surely political and religious issues are part of the identities and concerns of most thinking adults.

Nancy G.

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Received on Thu 30 Jun 2005 09:19:03 AM CDT