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How far is too far?

From: <Smithhemb>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 14:03:50 EDT

In a message dated 6/24/2005 1:49:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, uma at writes:

find myself wondering why I am more troubled by over-the-top bathroom humor in young children's books than violence and sexuality in fare for older readers. I'm with you and here's my reason. I'd rather see books work to raise the level of discussion that kids are engaged in -- to expand their sense of what's important (or even of what's possible), to let them hear voices and words and metaphors they don't encounter in their daily lives, to pose issues or choices in ways they wouldn't think of themselves.

Bathroom humor they can and will do on their own with no need for written encouragement. If books just mimic some of the most tedious aspects of childhood, then why value them? (I feel the same way about books that replicate tacky cartoon shows as I do about bathroom humor.)
  More abstractly, our reactions to violence and sexuality in YA lit may come down to whether we value the innocence of childhood vs. the potential for growth and open-mindedness.
  Sue Hemberger Washington, DC
Received on Fri 24 Jun 2005 01:03:50 PM CDT