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Weetzie and friends
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From: Emily Jones <Emilyj>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 12:27:58 -0500
I'm a HUGE fan of the Weetzie Bat books. I found Weetzie on my school library shelf one day, checked it out after reading the first chapter, and then shared it with my punk rock girlfriends. If you read our memories in our senior yearbook (class of 1994), you'll find phrases like "slinkster cool" sprinkled throughout. Weetzie and her gang were an extension of the carefree times my friends and I shared at the skate park, the dance club, and even at school. I was so happy to find books that reflected the giddiness and "joie de vivre" that we felt. The books also encouraged me to consider stereotypes, confront prejudices, and broaden my definition of what it means to have a fulfilling life.
The Margaret Edwards award is well deserved, and I hope it helps to bring Block's books to new readers today. I'm sure others had or will have very different experiences with the books (I'd love to hear them!) but for me it's all about love and blissful energy. Thanks, Francesca, for everything.
Emily Jones Madison, WI
Received on Mon 06 Jun 2005 12:27:58 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 12:27:58 -0500
I'm a HUGE fan of the Weetzie Bat books. I found Weetzie on my school library shelf one day, checked it out after reading the first chapter, and then shared it with my punk rock girlfriends. If you read our memories in our senior yearbook (class of 1994), you'll find phrases like "slinkster cool" sprinkled throughout. Weetzie and her gang were an extension of the carefree times my friends and I shared at the skate park, the dance club, and even at school. I was so happy to find books that reflected the giddiness and "joie de vivre" that we felt. The books also encouraged me to consider stereotypes, confront prejudices, and broaden my definition of what it means to have a fulfilling life.
The Margaret Edwards award is well deserved, and I hope it helps to bring Block's books to new readers today. I'm sure others had or will have very different experiences with the books (I'd love to hear them!) but for me it's all about love and blissful energy. Thanks, Francesca, for everything.
Emily Jones Madison, WI
Received on Mon 06 Jun 2005 12:27:58 PM CDT