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how far too far

From: Sharron L. McElmeel <mcelmeels>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 23:40:28 -0500

Perhaps I worded what I meant poorly -- Boy Meets Boy is indeed a story about a gay relationship but it is much more. It is, IMHO, a story about friendship and love (a gay love story; and a friendship story between one of the main characters and a female). I do think that, for me, the focus was about friendships which includes the gay relationship -- for me the deepest love is that based on friendship. And I agree the magic has to do with its setting in a world in which being gay is part of society's structure. Sharron McElmeel

At 11:06 PM 00 06/23/05, Nancegar at wrote:

==================================Sharron L. McElmeel
University of Wisconsin - Stout
School of Education
Teaching Children's Literature in the Classroom
Teaching Young Adult Literature in the Classroom
3000 N Center Point Rd
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411?48
ph. (319) 393%62
mcelmeel at
Author of  Best Teen Reads: 2005 (Hi Willow), Children's Authors and 
Illustrators Too Good to Miss (Libraries Unlimited); 100 Most Popular 
Children's Authors (Libraries Unlimited), 100 Most Popular Picture 
Book Authors and Illustrators (Libraries Unlimited), Character 
Education: A Book Guide for Teachers, Librarians, and Parents 
(Libraries Unlimited) and other titles 
Forthcoming:  Authors in the Kitchen: Recipes, Stories, and More and 
Authors in the Pantry: Recipes, Stories, and More (Libraries 
Received on Thu 23 Jun 2005 11:40:28 PM CDT