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how far too far

From: <Nancegar>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:56:55 EDT

I certainly agree that all GLBT books aren't about sex, just as being GLBT isn't about sex any more (or any less) than being straight isn't about sex!v But I was surpsied to read Sharron's comment that David Levithan's wonderful, magical BOY MEETS BOY isn't really a gay book and that <<while it does include a gay relationship the real story is between on of the boys who has a relationship as best friend with a girl ... It is truly a "love" story about staying

true with friendships rather than a gay book." I certainly agree that << It is a book for all readers>> and that friendship is a vital part of it, but to me, and I suspect to most other GLBT readers, it is indeed a gay book -- a gay love story -- and that its magic has to do with its setting in a world in which being gay is pretty much completely accepted.

Nancy Garden

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Received on Thu 23 Jun 2005 08:56:55 PM CDT