CCBC-Net Archives


From: Norma Jean <nsawicki>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 16:06:13 -0500

The article Megan mentioned is terrific. To my way of thinking, censorship stems from fear, power, control, as well as the wrong kind of self-righteousness. The most obvious example being the book burnings that were wide spread in Nazi Germany, and continue today in some countries ruled by dictators. On the one hand, we have pride in, and celebrate/treasure the freedom we enjoy yet some folk want to censor books and in doing so, deny individuals of the freedom to read what they want to read. As a country, we cannot have it both ways. There are many things in this country I detest...the freedom, for instance, of the KKK to march through a town but if I were to attempt to deny them of their freedom, they may want to deny me of mine. Understanding, respecting, and accepting what freedom truly means ain't for sissies. Norma Jean
Received on Thu 23 Jun 2005 04:06:13 PM CDT