CCBC-Net Archives

How Far Is Too Far?

From: <wfkig>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 17:57:33 +0000

Kids have been giggling about certain body functions for as long as I can remember and I personally don?t think reading about such things is detrimental. Are kids who laugh over farts destined to grow up to be drug dealers and mass murderers? However I do have a problem with YA books that condone: obscenity, profanity, lying, dishonesty, alcohol and drug use, sexual activity outside of marriage, and immoral behavior in general. The key word here is condone. I believe our books influence a young reader?s v alue systems. Perhaps most YA readers are mature enough to be discerning, but without going into what is now acceptable in MG and PB, I think we would all agree there is a trickle down effect. MeS
Received on Wed 22 Jun 2005 12:57:33 PM CDT