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how far too far

From: <Emmaattic>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:53:10 EDT

In a message dated 6/22/05 1:04:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, kcruze at writes:


Back to the discussion. I, too, feel there is a definite place for YA novels with sex included. I, too, feel that parents should watch what books their children are reading. It cannot be left to just the librarian, teacher, or bookseller. But doesn't a publisher, and yes, even an editor, not to mention the author, have an obligation to the young people of this world to not "hide" anything, no one is suggesting that, but to offer more in the way of life experiences, more in the way of story. Without throwing in shock for shock's sake. Yes, some children live in awful circumstances, and deal with abuse and alcohol and addiction. Does this necessarily mean they want to read about it?

Again, does everyone always know what these kids want? Maybe they want to get away from it. By offering them something with hope might be their way out. If they like to read, they might just read for escape, not just to read about what they already see and wake up to every day. Might.

But I believe the whole issue that was started is this: how graphic do we need to get? Really? And like it or not, it is a fact that authors are scrambling to write more "edgy" not to "sell copies," but "sell" a manuscript. At all. Edgy (for lack of a better term) sells. But why.

I think we've gotten off the track here, and everyone is defensive. Let's rally and get good books into the hands that need them. Of course they will read about sex. Don't give them something so raw, so detailed, so graphic that there isn't anything left FOR adulthood. And, we certainly shouldn't have the standard of "teen mags are doing it, so we can." Each of us have a different opinion on this. That's what makes the world go round.

Re: younger readers. I for one will continue to buy, read, and push books with humor, but not giggle words for giggle sake. Emma
Received on Wed 22 Jun 2005 12:53:10 PM CDT