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how far too far

From: <Nancegar>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:55:25 EDT

Second thoughts re my post about Levithan's BOY MEETS BOY: when I protested that it is indeed a gay book, I did so because I was disturbed that its focus on love between boys seemed to be being glossed over by Sharron when she said it isn't really a gay book. That seems to me to trivialize the importance of Levithan's honest treatment of homosexuality. But of course one can infer from Sharron's comment that she feels the book's strength is that it is about the universal human experiences of love and friendship, regardless of sexual orientation. I agree with that and think that therein lies BOY MEETS BOY's greatest strength and contribution to YA literature in general as well as to gay YA literature.

Nancy Garden

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Received on Fri 24 Jun 2005 12:55:25 PM CDT