CCBC-Net Archives

YA Literature

From: <omgary>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:44:34 -0600

Several list members have emailed me not sure whether my offer on info/notes on Donald Maass was meant for the listserve as a whole or to the individual whose post I was responding to. My post was meant as an offer to anyone on the list who wanted the info. Just email me off list and I'll send you a Word file with my notes from both the keynote and workshop he gave at the 2004 PPWC. He came back to this year's 2005 PPWC by popular demand but I've not yet cleaned my notes from those sessions. I wrote about the conference and Maass presentations in an article posted to the CCF site,

Donald Maass is a successful literary agent out of New York City. I first heard of him at the 2004 Pikes Peak Writers Conference where he was the keynote speaker and also gave a 4 hour workshop. He took both published and yetto?-published conference participant to a much higher level in their writing journey during his keynote and then his 4 hour workshop. I'd pitched my middle grade novel to an acquiring editor from Hartcourt Books for Children at the conference during my one-on-one time and she asked that I send it to her. My novel was 75% done at the time. Later on in the day I attended Maass workshop and afterwards told the editor that, after listening to him, my novel was now 30% done! She said I was not the only person who'd told her that. :-)

I have quite an extensive library of "how tos" in the art and craft of writing and Maass' books are the ones I'm keeping open and referring back to constantly. In his keynote and books Maas talks about "taking fiction back to the source." His agency gets over 7,500 manuscripts a year and they
"reject virtually everything," not because they're picky but because "a lifeless story, a book without fire can't be fixed." Normally I suggest folks check out books from their local libraries
(otherwise a bookaholic like me would go broke! LOL) but Maass books are worth getting (try to find cheapest prices online) and referring back to time and again.

------------------------------------------Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!"
Received on Fri 24 Jun 2005 10:44:34 PM CDT