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The People Could Fly: The Picture Book [spoiler alert!]
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From: Beth Wright <bethlibrarian>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 11:45:12 -0700 (PDT)
Years ago I enjoyed reading Virginia Hamilton's retelling of the African American folktale "The People Could Fly" in her collection by the same title, first published in 1985. Just this week I read the 2004 picture book version of the same story, with Virginia's original text and new illustrations by Leo and Diane Dillon. The final illustration, showing a young Virginia enlarged to mythic proportions appropriate to her literary stature (i.e. very, very big), smiling, and flying away, is such a perfect tribute to her enourmous talents.
Beth Wright Youth Services Librarian Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont
(802) 865r16 bethlibrarian at
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Received on Thu 05 May 2005 01:45:12 PM CDT
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 11:45:12 -0700 (PDT)
Years ago I enjoyed reading Virginia Hamilton's retelling of the African American folktale "The People Could Fly" in her collection by the same title, first published in 1985. Just this week I read the 2004 picture book version of the same story, with Virginia's original text and new illustrations by Leo and Diane Dillon. The final illustration, showing a young Virginia enlarged to mythic proportions appropriate to her literary stature (i.e. very, very big), smiling, and flying away, is such a perfect tribute to her enourmous talents.
Beth Wright Youth Services Librarian Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont
(802) 865r16 bethlibrarian at
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Received on Thu 05 May 2005 01:45:12 PM CDT