CCBC-Net Archives


From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 06:59:13 -0400

I can't resist joining in, since poetry is my first love. One of the sadnesses in my life is that, greedy as I am, I can't read everything no matter how hard I try. And you all don't help by recommending new titles for me to search for. So I will return the favor. Every morning my day begins with a new poem in my inbox sent by poet John Caddy. He is an amazing observer of the natural world with a wise and sympathetic vision. Although the poems are not geared specifically to children, they are certainly appropriate for the upper elementary grades and high school classes. I learn something from him every day. If you'd like to investigate, you can add your name to his mailing list by e-mailing him at jtcaddy at or just check out his web site --
    Oh, and one more thing. It's not new, but I love Valerie Worth's "all the small poems." And is anyone else old enough to remember the collection "Silver Pennies," edited by Blanch Jennings Thompson? How I loved that book when I was a child. Sally Derby ("The Wacky Substitute" Marshall Cavendish)
Received on Mon 04 Apr 2005 05:59:13 AM CDT