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From: <Emmaattic>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 08:30:13 EDT

Hmmm, Runny Babbit, like some unfortunate books published after an author's death, is something that my guess Shel decided wasn't ready for publication. It is just that; pig-latin. I think page after page after page of it grows tiresome, and if kids do connect, it's for the game of pig-latin, not poetry. That's just my take, and I did love Shel S's poetry, so not to criticize his work on the whole at all.

Concrete poetry, you are right, is a real challenge to do right. J. Patrick Lewis is another master of this form. It just easn't as easy as it looks. So take a look at DOODLE DANDIES.

I worry that we sometimes focus too much on tricks of poetry; humor, concrete, crazy and new forms, etc. Paul Janeczko's KICK IN THE HEAD is a great form book though, as is Avis Harley's with Boyds Mills Press.

Lee Bennett Hopkins puts out the most amazing anthologies for children to scan and find whatever suits them -- he has a new one out titled DAYS TO CELEBRATE which is awesome. Poems mixed with calendar days, holidays, inventions, world records, birth days of poets, etc. It's swims with poetry, and much of it I've never seen before. His MY AMERICA, HOME TO ME, SPECTACULAR SCIENCE should be in every library.

Kris O'Connell George has a new book; FOLD ME A POEM which is delightful and new.

Rebecca Kai Dotlich has OVER IN THE PINK HOUSE which is a folkloric type collection of new jump rope rhymes/poems.

And don't miss MONUMENTAL VERSE by J. Patrick Lewis. Poetry and photographs are stellar.

"A book is given birth when it is read, not written."
Received on Sun 03 Apr 2005 07:30:13 AM CDT