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From: Karen Cruze <kcruze>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 10:06:47 -0500
Thank you Faith - My sentiments exactly! This is a poem that makes you think about an ordinary situation in a new way. It does so concisely and with clever use of language. Reminds me of Nelson's "Fortune's Bones," which opened those inner eyelids of my mind. I think before people jump on a "I hate this kind of poetry" bandwagon they ought to try to differentiate between what they don't like personally versus what is poetry. It's okay not to personally like something, it's not okay to condemn a whole way of writing. Now can we concentrate on what we like? - Karen Cruze, Northbrook Public Library, Northbrook, Il.
Received on Mon 18 Apr 2005 10:06:47 AM CDT
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 10:06:47 -0500
Thank you Faith - My sentiments exactly! This is a poem that makes you think about an ordinary situation in a new way. It does so concisely and with clever use of language. Reminds me of Nelson's "Fortune's Bones," which opened those inner eyelids of my mind. I think before people jump on a "I hate this kind of poetry" bandwagon they ought to try to differentiate between what they don't like personally versus what is poetry. It's okay not to personally like something, it's not okay to condemn a whole way of writing. Now can we concentrate on what we like? - Karen Cruze, Northbrook Public Library, Northbrook, Il.
Received on Mon 18 Apr 2005 10:06:47 AM CDT