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CSK Awards

From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 11:25:36 -0500

Thank you for this historical perspective. I would add that Missy Violet and Me has just been selected for the master list for the 2006 Rhode Island Children's Book Award. Melody Allen

Hi, Everyone
  While CSK Awards is the topic at hand might be a good time to make a few observations as well as talk about a few titles:
  Thinking back on some of the winners and where there careers have gone has brought much pleasure: Sharon Draper was the first New Talent Award winner. She went on to become National Teacher of the Year and highly sought consultant on literature for the pre-teen and young adult Angela Johnson - won for When I Grow old with You - two years ago received a MacArthur Fellowship for outstanding literary talent. How many honors have been bestowed on Walter Dean Myers??? and of course the DEAN of winners - dear Virginia Hamilton, the FIRST writer lliterature for children and young adults to receive the MacArthur Genius Award...How many would have missed the histosry of the Negro burial ground in NYC without Hansen's Breaking Ground, Breaking Silence...
  And now let us take a look at Marilyn Nelson. Her first submission to CSK jury was an honor book - Carver - a Life in Poetry and then in 2004 - who can read Fortune's Bones without having a deeply emotional experience! My mind is still haunted with the vision of Fortune's wife having to dust her husband's skeleton!! Sharon Flake has moved on from New Talent to honor winner with her collection of short stories on relationships - written with such insight and hard hitting honesty - in Who Am I Without you? Others might find it interesting even as I did, to compare the evolving art style of Kadir Nelson from his earlier larger than life paintings to the seemingly mmore sophisticated art in Ellington Was Not a Street.
  What can one say about the Leo and Diane Dillon tribute to Virginia Hamilton with their stunning art in the picture book edition of The People Could Fly.
 One has to begin with the END PAPERS with their symbolic black feathers and then on to the oft repeated story of the quest for freedom.
  Hope I have not gone on too long - but the thoughts just kept coming.
Received on Wed 09 Mar 2005 10:25:36 AM CST