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authors from Spanish

From: Levine, Arthur <ALevine>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:03:50 -0500

If this isn't too far off topic, I wanted to say I appreciated hearing Marian Creamer's words of appreciation for world literature. It was surprising to me too, to hear that there are relatively few books translated from Spanish. My imprint is the proud home of Luis Sepulveda (THE STORY OF A SEAGULL AND THE CAT WHO TAUGHT HER TO FLY) Laura Gallego Garcia (whose debut in English, THE LEGEND OF THE WANDERING KING is due out in stores this coming July!) and Ana Juan (whose, THE NIGHTEATER was released simultaneously in English and Spanish.) And I'm sure there are many many more fine authors writing in Spanish today.
Received on Mon 21 Mar 2005 10:03:50 AM CST