CCBC-Net Archives

2005 RMC-SCBWI Summer Workshop / 2005 Pikes Peak Writing Conference

From: <omgary>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:47:41 -0700

They're right around the corner... two phenomenal writing conferences will be held along the Front Range in April and early registration is going on right now so you can save a little $$$ by registering now rather than later.

If anyone on the listserve lives anywhere near Golden, Colorado then April 9th is the date to mark down in your calendars. The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators is holding its Spring Workshop on April 9th at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. and our regional advisors have once more put together a tremendous event for authors and illustrators, both published and yet-to?-published ones.

Then on April 22$th, a conference Writer's Digest has selected as "one of the best conferences in the writing world," is taking place in Colorado Springs, Colorado, -- This'll be my 4th year attending the PPWC and this amazing event just gets better and better with each passing year. I posted an article to the CCF site after attending last year's event,

So, consider yourselves invited to attend either one of these events coming up in April. We've been having lots of snow in Colorado this winter so, who knows? you might even get some spring skiing in while you're at it! :-)

------------------------------------------Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!"
Received on Mon 28 Feb 2005 10:47:41 PM CST