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Hear PAT MORA: Fri., Jan. 14, 8:00 p.m. in Boston

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 17:26:37 -0600

Plan now to meet and hear the prominent author and poet Pat Mora on Friday evening, January 14, 8:00 p.m., in the Essex South Room of the Westin Copley Place Hotel in Boston.
  This event will be hosted by the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY), the youth divisions of the American Library Association, and Random House Children's Books. There is no admission fee, and no registration is required. You are encouraged to spread the word about this opportunity to librarians and teachers in the Boston area.
  Pat Mora is the author of a large number of picture stories and books of poetry published for young people. Many of her books are bilingual. Her books for children and young adults include Pablo's Tree and Birthday Basket for Tia (both: Macmillan); Tomas and the Library Lady and A Library for Juana (both: Knopf); Maria Paints the Hills (Museum of New Mexico); This Big Sky (Scholastic); Confetti and Love to Mama
(both: Lee & Low); Listen to the Desert and Uno, Dos, Tres (both: Clarion); The Rainbow Tulip (Viking); The Race of Toad and Deer
(Orchard); The Night the Moon Fell (Groundwood); Delicious Hullabaloo, Bakery Lady, The Desert Is My Mother, Gift of the Poinsettia, and My Own True Name: New and Selected Poems for Young Adults (all: Pinata/Arte Publico). Some readers know her poetry published for adults, as well as her memoir House of Houses, also published for adults (Beacon Press). For more information about Pat Mora, visit her website:
  USBBY facilitates the international exchange of information about books and reading. It serves as the U.S. national section of the International Board on Books for Youth (IBBY). Four organizations are officially represented on the USBBY Board: American Library Association, Children's Book Council, International Reading Association, and National Council of Teachers of English. For additional information about USBBY, visit the USBBY website:

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at
Received on Sun 02 Jan 2005 05:26:37 PM CST