CCBC-Net Archives

Kira Kira

From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 11:48:50 -0500

We do mock award discussions in Rhode Island every year. I search through starred reviews, google other mock lists, and check some books out myself. We only look at fiction for Newbery as these our book evaluation CE programs for us. We have added a mock Sibert session to discuss issues in evaluating nonfiction. We had Kira-Kira on our original list (for Newbery we meet three times over three months), but some of our readers suggested we drop it from our final list. Oh, well. We will now all read it and enjoy all it has to offer readers. While it is fun to have read and even to have anticipated the winners, the important thing is the discussion of quality literature. Melody Allen melody_allen at

I am new to ccbc-net and love hearing everyone's comments. I found it interesting that yesterday I trucked all over Cleveland and its west side and could not locate Kira Kira. Booksellers had many reasons for not carrying the book. Border's said they sent it back to the publisher in July and are awaiting the paperback. B&N only had two copies in each of their area stores. I ended up ordering from Amazon. I had seen this title on one Mock Newbery list. Would people mind sharing where they got the titles for their Mock Newbery experiences. Neither the winner nor honors were on the list we used for our 4th/5th graders. Final question-Is Kira Kira appropriate to read to 4th graders? Many thanks, LLane

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