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finding those award winners at your local bookstore

From: <Itsillustration>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 13:00:23 EST

Except for Used Books stores, we have no independent bookstores in our area.
  Only the big chains. It's been this way since 1990. >>

That's pretty sad... and I say that from the perspective of a bookchain employee. I think many people are lazy. It's easier for them to go to their one-stop-shop. People even ask me at B&N if we sell playing cards, glue, drawing pads, and other non-book items. I wouldn't be surprised if B&N started carrying milk and bread soon.

Surprisingly, at the B&N I work at, there are many knowledgeable booksellers. I was hired because I'm an author. I work with a woman who is an editor at Children's Book of the Month Club--she's read just about every book there is! Several other coworkers work in publishing. B&N allows us to have flexible hours because otherwise we wouldn't be able to continue working.

HOWEVER there are just as many coworkers who know NOTHING about kid's books. I've heard them tell customers how great such-and-such book is, even though they've never read it and know nothing about it! Sadly, those are the people who usually end up managing the departments.

The most frustrating thing about working at a chain is that EVERY spot in the store is paid for. I can rarely display books I like because there just isn't room. Gossip Girl and The English Roses books are taking up all the space! That's why I like the independent stores... not that there are many left.

Sorry if I'm the one who completely changed the topic here! (I'm avoiding my real work today)

Received on Thu 20 Jan 2005 12:00:23 PM CST