CCBC-Net Archives

OT: Mock Sibert

From: Melody Allen <melody_allen>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 18:05:45 -0500

On Monday, January 10, 8 children's librarians met for Rhode Island's first Mock Sibert. No winner was selected because each person had not been able to read all the books under consideration. After an stimulating discussion about wwriting styles, organization and presentation of information, and documentation, six titles were commended: Allen, Thomas B. George Washington Spymaster Bausum, Ann. With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for a Woman's Right to Vote Davies, Jacqueline. The Boy Who Drew Birds McWhorter, Diane. A Dream of Freedom: The Civil Rights Movement from 195468 Montgomery, Sy. Tarantula Scientist Rumford, James. Sequoyah: The Cherokee Who Gave His People Writing
Received on Mon 10 Jan 2005 05:05:45 PM CST