CCBC-Net Archives

OT -- tsunami relief effort

From: Chrissie Morrison <chrissiemmorrison>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 07:10:34 -0800 (PST)

I know this is off-topic, and I apologize for the cross-posting (sent to PUBYAC, Child_Lit, and, but I thought people might like to know that there is a very simple way to help the tsunami victims in Southeast Asia, through Mercy Corps.

There is a website - -- where corporate sponsors will donate money for every click the site receives in a given day.

A related website, which is more on-topic, is -- which has been mentioned on at least one of these listservs.

Please check out these websites daily (and click the labeled buttons) to help tsunami victims
*and* to get free books for needy children. Thanks!

====Chrissie Morrison YS Librarian Troy, New York

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Received on Tue 11 Jan 2005 09:10:34 AM CST