CCBC-Net Archives

finding those award winners at your local bookstore

From: <Itsillustration>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 14:08:17 EST

I was surprised that someone (a few days ago) reported that a big BN never had a copy in their system...that seems wrong, since others have reported finding it there. >>

Sorry, I made that comment. I didn't mean that B&N didn't have the book in its system (B&N has just about EVERY book in its system), but rather that the LARGEST B&N w/a children's dept. in NYC never carried the book. Usually what a flagship store carries gives a pretty good indication of what all the other stores carry. Each region carries different titles, I believe. I won't pretend to be an expert in this matter. I only know so much.

I brought up the topic because I find it interesting that award winners are often the books that do not sell originally, for whatever reason ... and because they don't sell, the bookstores don't carry them or aren't able to continue stocking them. I know that the awards are not a popularity contest (although I wonder about the Caldecott sometimes) but what does that say about the choices? Are the stories ones that kids aren't immediately compelled to read? OR were the books packaged or marketed poorly?

I don't have the answers. I just wanted to ask the question because I'm curious....

Received on Wed 19 Jan 2005 01:08:17 PM CST