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finding those award winners at your local bookstore

From: Esme Raji Codell <esme>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 10:28:37 -0600

If I may piggyback on Alison's note, I would like to mention that I was a little dismayed to see that it seemed like so many people rushed to the superstores in search of the award-winning books. I know it's a natural response because it's often so convenient, but especially in a situation where there's likely to be a "run" on a book, I'd rather deal with an independent bookseller who is likely to call me as soon as the book is in and be excited as I am! This is not to say that there are not excellent booksellers in the chains, but when there are, it's often because they employ former independent booksellers, or, at least, employ their empathetic handselling techniques.

Another thing: as a community that supports children's literature, I think it's imperative that we also support these independents. Frankly, their existence in the market is part of the reason less overtly "commercial" books like Kira Kira are still published. So I'd like to imagine in a perfect world, they'd be the first to reap the rewards when such books succeed. !

Happy reading, Esme Raji Codell

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Received on Thu 20 Jan 2005 10:28:37 AM CST