CCBC-Net Archives

ALA/ALSC Notable Children's Books

From: Lynn Rutan <lynnrutan>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 07:45:26 -0500

Thank you to Ruth, Kathleen and Maureen on discussing the inclusion rule for Notable and Newbery books. I thought it might be interesting to note that recently YALSA created a similar rule for BBYA and the Printz Award books. The Printz books are now automatically on the BBYA list for the year.

I am only in my first year on BBYA but if there is anything I have learned in the process so far, it is that for all of our best efforts to carefully evaluate books using elements of literary analysis, the creation of "Best" lists and awards is at heart subjective. I have watched 15 intelligent, dedicated and hard working people have completely different evaluations of a book - all weighing plot, voice, setting, narrative structure, etc. but reaching different conclusions. A committee reaches its decisions through hours of discussions, pleas, arguments, analysis and compromise, re-reading and reflection.

Should the work of one committee supersede another? It is a most interesting question.

Lynn Rutan BBYA Committee West Ottawa Public Schools Holland, MI lynnrutan at
Received on Sat 18 Dec 2004 06:45:26 AM CST