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Authors who re-work books/from Lee Bennett Hopkins

From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:31:56 -0500

Just out of curiosity, if you have time to reply, Ms. Hopkins, what sorts of changes did Dahl make? On a personal note, I found to my mortification that in the original edition of My Steps, I had written "crumbled" when I meant "crumpled." After a few years of my pointing out and lamenting this mistake to various groups of school children, I was happy, when Lee & Low decided to issue the book in a BeBop edition, to ask them to correct this. I was delighted that they agreed and did it.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Lbhcove at
  To: Tattercoat at
  Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 1:27 PM
  Subject: Authors who re-work books/from Lee Bennett Hopkins

  This is a curious discussion. One writes: "...why doesn't the author re-work the book now that the flaws are apparent."

  A main reason is that the author is DEAD! P.L. Travers is long is Lofting. Before Dahl died he was able to make changes in ...CHOCOLATE FACTORY.

  SOUNDER, also a Newbery Award winner, is constantly discussed as to why changes aren't made. Again, Armstrong can't, he is dead.

Received on Thu 02 Dec 2004 10:31:56 AM CST