CCBC-Net Archives

Children's Book Fest: an addition

From: Kris Adams Wendt <kwendt>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:52:31 -0600

After sending out the Children's Book Fest announcements yesterday, I learned that Hollis Rudiger will be joining CCBC staff members Katy Horning, Megan Schliesman and Merri Lindgren at Children's Book Fest in Rhinelander.

An email message from Katy informing me that Hollis would also be present was evidently sucked into the vast void of cyberspace two weeks ago when Wisconsin Valley Library Service and 900 other subscribers to Wiscnet experienced a three day interruption in Internet services after a fiber optic cable was sliced by construction workers south of Stevens Point.

Thanks to Katy for promptly following up and apologies to Hollis. We are delighted to learn she will be on hand as the fourth musketeer on March 8 and 9!

Please pardon duplicate postings.

Kris Adams Wendt Director Rhinelander District Library 106 N. Stevens St. Rhinelander, WI 54501 kwendt at 715/36570 dept. 715/36582 extension 715/36576 fax

"Your silence will not protect you." --Audre Lorde, American poet and librarian
Received on Thu 30 Dec 2004 09:52:31 AM CST