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C.S. Lewis

From: Maryann Schneider <marysmuse>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 08:30:37 -0500

Also, Harry Potter is often criticized for its use of sorcery, even though it is not religion based, so why do the magical elements in the Narnia series escape similar criticism. There is tons of magical elements within its pages. Is it just timing and marketing, or is there something else in the style it is written in?

I believe the reaction to HP is largely due to the interest in 'New Age' occultism we've seen in the last 20 years. Christians aren't instructed to fight against flesh and blood, after all, but principalities and powers. Some Christian leaders fear the normalizing of magik and sorcery in our society, and with some reason- just last night I was watching Nickolodean cartoon with my kids, and a major character mentioned not wanting to miss her 'psycic reading and facial'... as if psycic readings are 'normal' part of teen life. (Are they, these days? My kids are much younger, so I'm a bit out of the loop of teen fads.) I wonder, in another 20 years, if those bashing the HP books now will find themselves quietly changing their minds and Rowling will be considered to have joined the ranks of classic authors like Lewis and Tolkein.

Happy reading

"I am only one - but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." -Helen Keller
Received on Mon 29 Nov 2004 07:30:37 AM CST