CCBC-Net Archives Article: An Honest Book Review From Kirkus? Only

From: RGarcia.ims at <RGarcia.ims>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 17:34:44 -0500

Please forgive my late reply to this post. Some 16 years ago I met my editor, Rosemary Brosnan, for lunch at the Blue Water Grill. How I looked forward to the much needed escape from my day job and to wear my author's hat, even if for a two hour lunch. While we chatted I spotted some VNU execs as they entered the restaurant. (VNU had bought our company a few years prior and were slowly making their presence known.) I was miffed that they interrupted author's day, and thought, before I know it I'll draw both my day job salary and my royalties all in one VNU paycheck. When VNU bought Kirkus, I knew the revenue plan was sure to follow.

Rita Williams-Garcia Software Distribution Manager 646e4Y24 770 Broadway 15th Floor New York, NY 10003?95
Received on Fri 05 Nov 2004 04:34:44 PM CST