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From: Mary Ann Gilpatrick <MGilpatrick>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 18:15:10 -0800
The preacher in *Fine White Dust* to me seemed not a real preacher, but a shameless opportunist who was more interested in demonstrating his charismatic power over people than anything else.
I haven't seen a mention of Brooks' *Asylum for Nightface,* wherein a boy's sincere search for truth and meaning is co-opted and then corrupted by his narcissistic parents.
Mary Ann Gilpatrick Walla Walla Public Library mgilpatrick at FAX: 509R7748 phone: 509R7E50 x 510
The disillusionment that comes when people of faith don't live up to their own professions of it are seen in
these and other novels like Cynthia Rylant's A Fine White Dust.
Received on Tue 23 Nov 2004 08:15:10 PM CST
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 18:15:10 -0800
The preacher in *Fine White Dust* to me seemed not a real preacher, but a shameless opportunist who was more interested in demonstrating his charismatic power over people than anything else.
I haven't seen a mention of Brooks' *Asylum for Nightface,* wherein a boy's sincere search for truth and meaning is co-opted and then corrupted by his narcissistic parents.
Mary Ann Gilpatrick Walla Walla Public Library mgilpatrick at FAX: 509R7748 phone: 509R7E50 x 510
The disillusionment that comes when people of faith don't live up to their own professions of it are seen in
these and other novels like Cynthia Rylant's A Fine White Dust.
Received on Tue 23 Nov 2004 08:15:10 PM CST