CCBC-Net Archives


From: Mary Ann Gilpatrick <MGilpatrick>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 12:05:32 -0800

I do echo Cammie on this. I don't go so far as some of the diatribes which have occurred at ALA conferences, but as BSA has become more and more entrenched in discriminatory behavior it has removed ITSELF from any government sponsorship.

Mary Ann Gilpatrick

Walla Walla Public Library

mgilpatrick at

FAX: 509R7748

phone: 509R7E50 x 510



Having been a Girl Scout for twelve years, I don't understand why BSA can't model itself more after Girl Scouts. GSUSA doesn't discriminate against atheists or gays, and consequently has avoided all the entanglements that BSA is getting itself into. As a taxpayer, I don't want my money going to support a group that discriminates against my friends and me. I find it sad that so many people celebrate Boy Scouting in spite of these traits. Scouting can be a great experience, but I don't think discrimination should have a place in any child's life.


Cammie Backus
Received on Wed 17 Nov 2004 02:05:32 PM CST