CCBC-Net Archives

National Book Awards Finalists

From: Olgy Gary <omgary>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 19:33:12 -0600

Well...can we pick them or can we pick them on this here listserve?!?!? Earlier this year we discussed Julie Anne Peters' new book, "LUNA." This post is off our current topic but I' m sooooooo excited I couldn't wait until month's end to post...go ahead and slap both my typing hands if you must but just had to tell you that our very own Julie Anne Peters' book

We call her "our own" as for years now Julie's been moderating the books4children listserve where she selflessly, time and time again, praises, encourages, mentors, instructs and entertains [she DOES keep us laughing! :-) ] the listserve membership composed of both published and yet-to?-published children book writers. Just this past weekend here in Colorado, during the 2004 Fall Conference for the Rocky Mtn Chapter of SCBWI, Julie was not only our keynote speaker but also led a "Writers Studio" on Sunday that I was smart enough to sign up for. Julie's characters, whether you love them or not, demand that you interact with them. You can't ignore them. That's what the participants at her Sunday workshop wanted to learn how to do. What I wanted to infuse my current middle grade novel with. She gave each of the 12 participants an indepth critique, single-spaced typed pages, of the first 10 pages of their current work in progress. How she found the time to do this prior to the conference itself plus prepare for and speak at two sessions during Saturday's conference plus teach and go over her critique of each of our work during the 8am to 1pm Sunday session awed us all...that she did it did not surprise us. That's "our Julie." That's what she does. If they gave out awards in the publishing business for folks that are just plain nice besides being gifted, generous with their time and knowledge, mentors and friends and all around nurturers and encouragers of writers everywhere Julie would get one...It's just great that while that one award comes along her giftedness in writing is being recognized !

------------------------------------------Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!"
Received on Wed 13 Oct 2004 08:33:12 PM CDT