CCBC-Net Archives

Reading Motivation

From: KayWin at <KayWin>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:06:30 EDT

Dear June: Your post made my heart sing!
???????????? All of our teachers read
???????????? We know the importance of reading aloud
???????????? In all of our classrooms we have independent reading time
???????????? students have choice in what they read
???????????? students participate in shared reading using drama art and variations on? ?????? big books. etc...
???????????? YES!? YES!?? YES!
???????????? Would that your letter could be shared with schools across the country? talked about in faculty meetings, discussed in district offices. Would you consider sending it to the IRA Reading Journal or to NEA , or? Teacher K-8 Your testimony needs to be heard! What you are talking about is building life long learners.
?????? `?????????? Such a contrast to the teachers who tell me

???????????? We are having to teach the test day after day -
???????????? We have been told to take classroom library books off the shelves,? ?????? and focus on textbooks.
???????????? Reading aloud is considered fluff and entertainment
???????????? Art and music are being relegated to after school programs.
???????????? The school librarian was cut out of the budget.

Your message shines a light on what has become a dark time in education. You have many supporters! Thank you for sharing.

Kay Winters
"My Teacher for President"
Received on Mon 18 Oct 2004 07:06:30 AM CDT