CCBC-Net Archives

Reading Motivation

From: Lynn Rutan <lynnrutan>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 06:37:07 -0400

Our elementary schools are into AR in a major way. I am in a middle school and we do not have AR. I think one of the most telling factors in my assessment of AR is that only once in 10 years have I had a student ask for AR.

Instead we hear the kids say, "You mean we can check out anything we want?" and you mean I can have more than one book?" "We don't have to take any tests?"

We have a very large circulation of books that are largely self-selected for pleasure reading and no one is earning any points or winning any prizes.

Lynn Rutan Librarian West Ottawa Public Schools Holland, MI lynnrutan at
Received on Fri 15 Oct 2004 05:37:07 AM CDT