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Reading Motivation

From: DeRise <derise>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 10:17:39 -0400

I am currently taking two graduate courses and although as of yet not a teacher I have worked with children and have two of my own. One of my son's who is in 5th grade never liked to read at all. What I have done through the recommendation of his teachers is basically take him to libraries and/or bookstores to select books of interest to him. I must say there is quite a selection out there. Having children choose a book is wonderful. I don't think they should be tested at all. Rewarding them with a subscription to a magazine they would be interested in or another book of interest given to them would also be ideal. Perhaps coupons for Pizza Hut/KFC could also serve as an incentive. This has worked in my son's case.

Helen DeRise
Received on Wed 13 Oct 2004 09:17:39 AM CDT