CCBC-Net Archives

reading motivation

From: Robin Smith <robinsmith59>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:19:42 -0500

Dear all,
    There is an awful moment that sometimes happens when Dean and I are presenting an inservice to other teachers and librarians at other schools--and here it is. We realize that at so many schools there is not a culture of reading, where reading is not the main thing that is going on at the school, or even a very important thing. Years ago, when Harry Potter was in the news, we had a room full of captives (required to Be There) and only one person in the group of 40+ had heard of the book. (she was a public librarian who clearly loved fantasy)
    So, when I meet teachers from other schools who DO read and who DO use real books with their children, it makes me feel so good. We need to nurture these teachers and these schools and we need to remember that we are not alone in our work.
    June, your school is lucky to have a librarian like you! Robin
Received on Mon 18 Oct 2004 10:19:42 AM CDT