CCBC-Net Archives

Transitions in Literature for Children and Teens

From: Ginger Cassidy <gcassidy>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:19:23 -0500

What books do you think of when you think of the themes of transition and change?"



I finished a book at lunch today titled Contents Under Pressure, written by Lara Zeises. In the book, 14-year old Lucy Doyle struggles to adjust to the many changes she faces upon entering high school. Suddenly, her social circle has been shattered, as her friends splinter off and develop their own interests, and she feels as though she is being left behind as other girls begin to date and flirt and attract interest from boys. There are many changes at home as well: Her brother has returned unexpectedly from college, with a new girlfriend in tow. His return throws the whole family dynamic and household routine in flux. Throughout the story, Lucy's attitudes towards her friends, family, and classmates alter dramatically as she wrestles with her own self-image and her changed environment.




Ginger Cassidy

Young Adult Librarian

Hinsdale Public Library

20 East Maple Street

Hinsdale, IL 60521

Phone: (630) 98676

Fax: (630) 986?20
Received on Fri 03 Sep 2004 04:19:23 PM CDT