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Transition to Images of School
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From: Monica R. Edinger <edinger>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:51:06 -0400
I always read Horray for Diffendoofer Day (by Dr. Seuss with some help from Jack Prelutsky and Lane Smith) at the start of our first day of school. We don't have to give the state tests (although we do give standardized tests in the spring), but there is much about Diffendoofer School that makes the kids think of their own school and teachers. They also get a tremendous kick out of finding the original Seuss drawings and are also fascinated by Janet Shulman's story at the back with the original sketches.
"Kaminski Katie" writes:
Monica Edinger The Dalton School New York NY edinger at monicaedinger at
Received on Tue 21 Sep 2004 11:51:06 AM CDT
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:51:06 -0400
I always read Horray for Diffendoofer Day (by Dr. Seuss with some help from Jack Prelutsky and Lane Smith) at the start of our first day of school. We don't have to give the state tests (although we do give standardized tests in the spring), but there is much about Diffendoofer School that makes the kids think of their own school and teachers. They also get a tremendous kick out of finding the original Seuss drawings and are also fascinated by Janet Shulman's story at the back with the original sketches.
"Kaminski Katie" writes:
Monica Edinger The Dalton School New York NY edinger at monicaedinger at
Received on Tue 21 Sep 2004 11:51:06 AM CDT