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Transition to Images of School
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From: Chrissie Morrison <chrissiemmorrison>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 06:46:09 -0700 (PDT)
One of my favorite books about school is _Frindle_ by Andrew Clements. The book is about a conflict within a school and community when a boy creates a new word for a pen ("frindle") and convinces other students to use this new word. The English teacher is, of course, quite the stereotype (old, tight bun in her hair, etc.) and punishes anyone who uses the word. After a while, though, the word starts being used outside of the community -- and even across the country. My fourth grade students loved the end of the story because you learn that the teacher was actually trying to inspire her students and to help them learn -- even though she was rather gruff at times.
Chrissie Morrison YS Librarian Troy, New York
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Received on Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:46:09 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 06:46:09 -0700 (PDT)
One of my favorite books about school is _Frindle_ by Andrew Clements. The book is about a conflict within a school and community when a boy creates a new word for a pen ("frindle") and convinces other students to use this new word. The English teacher is, of course, quite the stereotype (old, tight bun in her hair, etc.) and punishes anyone who uses the word. After a while, though, the word starts being used outside of the community -- and even across the country. My fourth grade students loved the end of the story because you learn that the teacher was actually trying to inspire her students and to help them learn -- even though she was rather gruff at times.
Chrissie Morrison YS Librarian Troy, New York
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Received on Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:46:09 AM CDT