CCBC-Net Archives

Read-Alouds: No thank-you?

From: Karen L. Simonetti <klsimonetti>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 18:38:19 -0500

At 11:08 AM 8/25/2004, Carolyn Gabb wrote in part: Ditto that idea! And if memory serves correctly, didn't this listserv discuss SEEDFOLKS (five-six years ago)? Per chance our thoughts our in the online archives.

Meanwhile, my question for the day/month:

Not just arguing the "other side" (as I find this especially true for me since grammar school), is there anyone out there who doesn't enjoy/appreciate/even comprehend "read-alouds"? Or have students/readers with the same reaction? To wit: This is not a pleasant experience (especially the chapter books for 6th graders). What to do with the various students (of all ages) who honestly don't want the read-aloud? I dread to think of negative implications from having a student "forced" to listen to a read-aloud that doesn't hook the reader.

Karen Sue...puzzled....

We have art so that we may not die of reality.
-Nietzsche Karen L. Simonetti phone: 312.337.7114 email: klsimonetti at
Received on Wed 25 Aug 2004 06:38:19 PM CDT