CCBC-Net Archives

Read alouds

From: Frank Brower <robinfrank>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 22:35:56 -0500

Dear Friends, Sam McGee has brought forth this lurker! Read Aloud is a sacred time in my third grade classroom, but some reads demand more respect than others! The Cremation of Sam McGee fits this bill.

I first heard the poetry of Robert W. Service from my husband, who heard it from his father. While Sam McGee isn't exactly poetry for lovers, I fell in love with this story, it's humor, and haunting rhythms. We even named our grill (yes, grill - not, girl) "The Alice May!"

Reading "Sam McGee" confirms that poetry must be read aloud to be fully appreciated! My students prefer the 1986 illustrated version by Ted Harrison. Read Alouds are sacred and if I had to abandon all practices, save one, you would find me reading to my children.

Robin Brower The Brower Patch Hayden, Alabama
Received on Wed 04 Aug 2004 10:35:56 PM CDT