CCBC-Net Archives

Read alouds

From: Margaret Peeples <mpeeples>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 20:29:14 -0400

Dear CCBC folks, My mom hated reading aloud but loved reading and pushed many books and poems my way. If I was willing to listen to what my dad was already reading, I could occasionally coax him to read something from his sci-fi magazines (I still love science fiction) and from his favorite poetry book by Robert Service (The Cremation of Sam McGee was my favorite).

I was starving to hear more reading aloud and thank goodness my third and fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Pritchard. read several of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books to us each afternoon when we came in from lunch recess at a Vacaville Elementary (Calif.) school in the 1950s.

As a Media Specialist for the last 11 years, I have enjoyed reading The Hobbit to 4th and 5th graders, and now in my new job as a public librarian for children and youth services, I hope to continue reading outloud for the sheer fun of language and the joy and comfort of shared stories.

I read aloud and told stories to my two daughters for ten years and their dad loved to read the Seuss books to them, especially Horton the elephant We also read books out loud on long vacations with the girls playing paperdolls in the back seat. Now that they are in college, we take vacations on our own again and still read out loud, adult books. Happy reading and storytelling to all children. Margaret Peeples Wake County public libraries Raleigh, NC

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Received on Wed 04 Aug 2004 07:29:14 PM CDT