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Jane Addams Children's Book Awards Ceremony

From: Donna Barkman <barkman>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:11:18 EST

You are invited to attend the presentation of the Jane Addams Children's Book Awards to be held in New York City on Friday, October 22nd, 1:30, 777 United Nations Plaza (1st Avenue and 44th St., 2nd Floor). This annual award event offers a memorable afternoon of presentations, responses by all honorees or their representatives, and an opportunity to meet and talk with each honored guest. At this writing, the honorees in attendance will be Yuyi Morales, illustrator of the Picture Book Winner, Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez (Harcourt Children's Books); Michelle McCann (author) and Ann Marshall (illustrator) of
 Luba: The Angel of Bergen?lsen (Tricycle Press, one of two Honor Books in the Picture Book category. In the category of Books for Older Children, Honor Book author Chris Crowe, Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case (Fogelman/Penguin)will be present, as well as Deborah Ellis, the winner of a Special Commendation for her Breadwinner Trilogy: The Breadwinner, Parvana's Journey, Mud City (Groundwood). We look forward to sharing with you this occasion that recognizes themes of peace, justice, community and equality in children's literature. Donna Barkman barkman at
Received on Tue 31 Aug 2004 11:11:18 AM CDT