CCBC-Net Archives

Reading aloud

From: Jane Botham <jbotham>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 12:43:38 -0500

I wonder how many of you on this listserv use these techniques when speaking to parents or educators?

Whenever I talk to a group of parents, I ask them if they know the first line of books that are a favorite of their children. It is a terrific warmup and indicates to me what parents read to their children and, invariably, they can recite the whole book!!

A number of you have talked about who read to them when they were young. Most include the books that were read to them. I find that most people are especially fond of teachers who have read to them---they remember their names, the grade they taught, and the books that were read. It's a wonderful thing to remind a group of teachers about this---it's a little encouragement for them to "find the time" to read aloud.
Received on Thu 05 Aug 2004 12:43:38 PM CDT