CCBC-Net Archives

Pop Culture

From: Emily Jones <Emilyj>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:14:41 -0500

Given the media-saturated times in which we Americans live, I don't believe it's possible to separate pop culture from our everyday lives, nor from our reading experiences. The influence of pop culture, however one defines that nebulous term, is certainly evident in respected contemporary literature for children and YAs. The Gospel According to Larry has been on my mind each time I read one of this month's posts. That book asks tough questions about materialism, consumerism, etc... but at the same time, much of its humor was based on what I consider
"pop culture." Why not accept and even embrace the fact that good authors and curious readers feed off the trends and by-products of popular culture? Any media literacy teachers out there?

Emily Jones Librarian, MLS Demco Media Ph. (608) 245`65 Fax (608) 24166
Received on Wed 14 Jul 2004 02:14:41 PM CDT