CCBC-Net Archives

Reading vs Story

From: Nancegar at <Nancegar>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 21:13:17 EDT

I'm hopping in late on this, somewhat hesitantly because I haven't finished reading the accumulated posts for the last week-ten days. But isn't story the basic thing here, the foundation, and isn't reading just one of the ways in which story can be communicated? In Western/European society, reading has traditionally been the prime means for that communication, but of course for some time, even here, it has been joined by film, TV, audio, etc -- and comics and those fascinating graphic novels. And elsewhere and to some extent here, too, story has also been communicated through dance, drama, pantomime, etc.

Story is the core, the sine qua non, it seems to me. We defend and value reading because it's the vehicle that's the most familiar to us, perhaps, and it is certainly vital--essential, even. But without story, reading would I guess just be a means of communicating facts and ideas--important but not the stuff of basic human experience and emotion. It's story, it seems to me, no matter what the vehicle, that makes us laugh and cry and understand and relate to one another.


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Received on Fri 23 Jul 2004 08:13:17 PM CDT