CCBC-Net Archives

Reading at Risk

From: KayWin at <KayWin>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 08:36:33 EDT

I too was struck by the Reading at Risk report which was in yesterday's paper. Unfortunately it only confirmed what I am finding as I travel across the country doing school visits as a children's book author, and hearing many teachers say, but I don't have time any more to read aloud to children. ( Some of these people teach kindergarten.) I have to get them up to level 6, or I have to prepare them for the test. "The test" has become the curriculum, and reading aloud which is the "pay off" the joy of story, the reason why kids should want to make the effort to learn to read, is being replaced with ditto sheets and skill drills. No wonder video games are more enticing. No Child Left Behind is leaving literacy behind. I Kay Winters My Teacher for President 9/13/04
Received on Fri 09 Jul 2004 07:36:33 AM CDT