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what kids bring to a book

From: JanetWana at <JanetWana>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 13:52:03 EDT

Responding to Barbara Kerley's question, I don't think we can assume kids bring much background at all. Of course those kids who have been to all of the historic sites and national parks have an advantage, as do those whose parents are history buffs. There are also some who have teachers are who are passionate about history, setting up reenactments of the Civil War. In general, the

climate in schools today is to focus on things that will be tested (thanks to NCLB/EASA). Lots of kids in America have poorly written texts, texts not at their reading level, teachers who don't have the time, background or flexibility/permission to use non-text book sources to teach history. I've heard about Joy Hakim's narrative-style history series. Has anyone seen it or used it?
Received on Tue 11 May 2004 12:52:03 PM CDT