CCBC-Net Archives

collection policies

From: Karen M. Rasmussen <kras>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 15:28:22 -0400

Dear colleagues, I'm a cataloger on the children's literature cataloging team at the Library of Congress. To better inform our work, we are doing some informal research into the types of juvenile materials libraries are collecting. We're hoping to hear from librarians from all types of libraries--small, large, public, private, school--to learn about your collection policies and priorities.

Some things we are curious about include what you are collecting
(fiction, nonfiction, TV/movie tie-ins, series, etc.), how you make those decisions, and what materials you consider to be most important for your users.

Please send your written collection policy or other documents (formal or informal) that outline your collecting priorities to me at kras at or fax them to my attention at 202%2182.

Thanks for your help!

Please excuse cross-postings.

Karen Rasmussen

*********************************************** Karen M. Rasmussen Catalog Librarian Children's Literature Team Library of Congress 202p7869 kras at
Received on Wed 05 May 2004 02:28:22 PM CDT